Friday, November 1, 2013

Productive Procrastination

Today is November 1st and I have to confess that I am procrastinating right now, not that procrastinating can't be productive. I hope we will all benefit from the detour I'm taking right now.

This is the first day of the Nanowrimo, which is short for National Novel Writing Month. It is during this time last year that I wrote He Knows Your Name. I've made a loud and public commitment to write the next book during this year's challenge, so my blog activity might be a little low.

While I'm getting mentally warmed up and limber, and pushing back the panic,  I wanted to share a few thoughts that occurred to me this morning:
  • Even when God is involved in a process it doesn't mean it will be easy. Sometimes, the things that thrill you and get your blood pumping are just plain hard. There are days I sit at the computer and sweat, swear, cry, and praise all at the same time.
  • We can worship God by using the gifts He's given us, and when we do, we come alive.
  • There is no hierarchy to gifts and talents. Hard to believe in a world that idolizes celebrity, but we would all suffer if one variety of gift failed to be utilized. Imagine life without song, kindness, or extremely organized people.
Find that thing that energizes you, the thing that makes you sweat, swear, cry, and praise all at the same time. The world needs you.

Just for fun, here's a screenshot of me getting ready to write the next book.

 You can't see it, but my shirt is a NaNo shirt that says "The world needs your novel." I'm going to change into my fleece pants and get my butt back in the chair. I promise not to include this blog in my NaNo word count. :)

While I'm doing my thing, go find your thing. Come back and tell me about it. We can cheer for each other.

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