Friday, December 31, 2010

No Resolutions Here...

New Years Day is traditionally one of those natural dividing lines in life, a day that invites a fresh start, a chance to do something differently or better. We optimistically write out our list of resolutions, those things we hope to accomplish in the coming year that we were not able to do previously. I personally stopped making a list a long time ago, not because I'm already doing everything the way I want, but because a resolution, to me, invites failure. You really hope you are going to accomplish something, but a resolution without a plan is just a really good dream.

Last year I went with the One Word Revolution, and that seemed to work for me. I chose the word "endurance" and found so many places to apply it in my life. I let the word lead me and not give up on things because they got hard. The word "endurance" lead me through training for the Danskin Triathlon which lead to a healthier lifestyle in the process...never a bad thing. It took me through the whole event, even though the day didn't go as I had planned. The word "endurance" took me through some tricky days in my personal life, helping me to make godly decisions when it would have been easier not to. My favorite scripture that goes along with endurance has been Hebrews 12:1-2, which basically says to lay aside everything that slows us down, and run with ENDURANCE the race that has been set before us, looking to Jesus as we do it. I like to joke that the hard part is knowing which race is ours to run.

I am prayerfully considering another word for the upcoming year. Prayerfully, because my idea of what I need and God's idea of where I need to grow might not be the same. Once I settle on a word, I will find some scriptures to memorize. It is the process that takes God's Word from the level of information to transformation, which is His goal for be conformed to the image of His Son. (Romans 12:1-2).

As different words flash through my head, I find myself rejecting them outright based on my own perceptions and limitations. Or, I look at my past failures and decide already that I can't do something. Can I challenge you to come along with me on a journey of a fresh start? Looking to the Bible, God has a few things to say to all of us that I know I am finding helpful at this time of new beginnings:
  • "Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old." (Isaiah 43:18) God's plan for you is not limited by your past failures. Don't put that burden on yourself.
  • "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;" (Lamentations 3:22-23) Just because you screwed up today doesn't mean tomorrow can't be a fresh start. God's mercy (kindness to one undeserving) begins anew each day, so why don't we?
  •  "For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) If God is bringing something to your attention, be it a dream or a life change, don't decide on your own strength what is possible. God is not limited by our strength or abilities. Check out this post for some serious encouragement on dreaming God's dream for yourself. 
I don't know yet what my new word will be, but I know that God has great things in store for me. Not because I am so cool or deserve them, but because I know that all of God's plans for me are good. Since I woke up breathing this morning, I know that He isn't through with me yet. I have an idea what I would like to work on, how I can continue to grow in the likeness of His son, but the list is long. I will be praying for God to lead me in the way He wants me to go. I'm sure 2011 will have a few surprises in store, maybe even some that I won't be grateful for at the time...who knows? But I know that with God, the best is always yet to come. What a way to start a new year!


  1. You've discussed some of my favorite verses here, Debbie! Those verses from Hebrews and Romans are spectacular and so essential to living for God. I love that Lamentations verse, too. I'll be interested to hear about your one word for the year!

  2. I loved the part you wrote about the verses in Isaiah and Matthew, you write so many great things that people need to hear, I can't wait to see what God does with you, I think it is going to pretty great.

  3. Forgot to tell you, love the new picture, you look so pretty.
