I must admit to being a little starstruck. My closest brush with Hollywood, by way of South America, comes through Mark Lambrecht. For the 1% of the local population living under a rock, he was on this season of the Mole on ABC. And if you don't know yet, he WON!
Not knowing Mark personally, I have only seen him at church, usually wearing a soccer warm up suit. While I realize that watching someone up close and personal on TV is not the same as knowing them, it was cool to see him be someone admirable and respectable on the show. Like someone you would be proud to say, "Hey, that guy goes to my church!" about. He never compromised or double crossed anyone. Even when he could have made it easier for himself, he made the best choice for the team on more than one occasion.
The best part about Mark winning the pot was so his wife can look forward to staying home with their new baby arriving soon. But, Brenda, we'll still get those Kick-Off signs done, right? Brenda??
Of course! You'll not get rid of me that easily!