Monday, May 5, 2008


I love sayings. Some are slogans, some are maxims of truth, as Pastor Guy has been preaching on. I think they become maxims when you can see the reality of them in your life. Here is my favorite saying: "God wants me to get where God wants me to go more than I want to get where God wants me to go." That came from the book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. I can see that becoming a reality in my life everytime I step onto the path God wants me to be on. As a matter of fact, it can be a gauge to see if I am headed in the right direction. For example, I decided a few weeks ago to stop saving projects til after bedtime when I could be spending time with Rob. The only exception I was planning was to get ready for an open house to sell my cards at, which was possibly going to be held before Mother's Day. That is a lot of work to do during naptime. But then it got pushed back a week and if I stayed off the computer during quiet time I could actually get my cards made. Anyway, I take that change in date to be God's encouragement and support of my commitment to spend more time with my husband.
If you have a favorite saying that inspires you or just makes you chuckle, please feel free to share. It's time for me to go make some cards.

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